Friday, November 14, 2008

First Time Blogger...

Well here goes... It is my day off... Friday!!! This week has given new meaning to TGIF! My little guy Aden is home sick from preschool and so right now he is vegged out beside me on the couch and we are watching Kunfu Panda for the second time in the last 12 hours. What makes it more fun is tonight I get to go watch my two older kids, Ashley and Austin practice their Tai Kwon Do, exactly what you want to do for a Friday night! Apparently we are all about the martial arts scene right now. Boy, life changes when you have kids! Don't get me wrong it is great. There is nothing better than watching your kids laugh and have fun, other than watching them take a big fat nap in the middle of your day off so you can get something done. I am hoping to get into my scrapbook room and be productive my last project was a scrapbook for my dad's 70th birthday and the last minute late nights has left my room a mess and me a little burnt out. So I need to get back in there and organize and get some things done for Christmas. Will write more later....


Emily said...

Hey girl,
I hope Aden gets to feeling better, nothing like a sick kid to the start of the weekend, I had a very long day and Kevin wanted to take me out to eat, all I really wanted was a drink....instead I had H2o.....well off for some more blogging.

Emily said...

Hey Julie,
Not sure if you are going to get this as it looks like you do not come here often yet, but I lost your e-mail about joining your face-Book page, can you re-send that to me???


Emily said...


explanation, this is Heather, but I am logged in as Emily because I was doing some editing for her!!! LOL
